Particularmente, creo, que estos receptores portátiles consiguieron que las distintas sociedades de sus épocas agradecieran la manejabilidad, fiabilidad, sencillez, bajo precio y poco consumo de energía de los mismos, por lo que marcaron un antes y un después. También se desarrollaron diseños y materiales caprichosos, plásticos mas ligeros y resistentes. Todo esto fue posible gracias al invento del llamado "transistor", que se reducía extraordinariamente en el tamaño, el consumo de energía era y es muy bajo rondando los 9, 6, 3 y 1,5 voltios y llegando a ser los últimos receptores de unos tamaños tan pequeños que se definían como"radios de bolsillo" muy prácticos.
El TRANSISTOR es un dispositivo electrónico semiconductor que cumple varias funciones como amplificar, oscilar, conmutar o rectificar. El termino proviene del inglés "transfer resistor" (resistencia de transferencia), actualmente se encuentra en todo tipo de aparatos electrónicos. Fue un invento realizado por los Laboratorios Bell de los Estados Unidos en el año 1947, cuyos creadores fueron galardonados con el Premio Nobel de Física en 1956, aunque ya se había descubierto anteriormente en 1930, no se le encontró una aplicación útil, ni se disponía de la tecnología para fabricarlos masivamente. Ha sido el sustituto de la válvula termoiónica de tres electrodos o triodo, a diferencia de éstas, el transistor es un dispositivo controlado por corriente y del que se obtiene corriente amplificada. Las razones por las que el transistor reemplazó a la válvula termoiónica son varias:
Las válvulas necesitan tensiones muy altas y consumen mucha energía, también era importante el peso, ya que el chasis y los transformadores que necesitaban para su funcionamiento sumaban un peso importante. Los fallos en las válvulas eran muy cortos comparados con el de los transistores, sobre todo a causa del calor generado. También presentar una cierta demora en comenzar a funcionar, ya que necesitan estar calientes para establecer la conducción. El transistor es intrínsicamente insensible al efecto microfónico, muy frecuente en las válvulas. Los transistores son muchisimo más pequeños que las válvulas y trabajan con impedancias bajas y finalmente el bajo costo ecocómico de un transistor con respecto al de una válvula. Como ejemplo de estos inconvenientes se puede citar a la primera computadora digital llamada ENIAC. Era un equipo que pesaba más de 30 toneladas y consumía 200 kilovatios, suficientes para alimentar una pequeña ciudad. Tenia alrededor de unas 18.000 válvulas, de las cuales algunas se quemaban cada día, por lo que era necesario una ligística y organización muy importante.
Cuando el transistor bipolar fue inventado en 1947, fue considerado una revolución. Pequeño, fiable, rápido, poco costoso, sobrio en sus necesidades de energía, reemplazó progresivamente a la válvula durante la década de 1950, pero no del todo. En efecto, durante los años 1960 algunos fabricantes siguieron utilizando valvulas termoiónicas en equipos de radio de alta gama. Luego el transistor desplazó a la válvula de los transmisores, pero no del todo de los amplificadores de radiofrecuencia. Otros fabricantes de equipos de audio, siguieron utilizando las válvulas en amplificadores de audio para guitarras. Todo ésto es debido a que el transistor no tiene las características de linealidad a alta potencia y los armónicos que tiene la válvula, entre otros detalles.
Particularly, I think, that these portable receivers got different societies of their eras to agradecieran the manageability, reliability, simplicity, low price and low power consumption of the same, so this marked a before and an after. Designs and capricious, plastics materials were also developed more lightweight and rugged. All this was possible thanks to the invention of the so-called "transistor", which is extremely reduced in size, energy consumption was and is very low around 9, 6, 3 and 1.5 volts and becoming recent recipients of a few sizes so small they were defined as 'Pocket radios' very practical.The TRANSISTOR is a semiconductor electronic device that performs several functions such as amplify, flickering, switch or rectify. The term comes from the English "transfer resistor" (transfer resistance), is currently in all kinds of electronic devices. It was an invention made by the Bell Laboratories of the United States in 1947, whose creators were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1956, although he had already previously discovered in 1930, not found a useful application, nor had the technology to manufacture them en masse. It has been the replacement of the thermionic valve of three electrodes or triode, unlike these, the transistor is a current-controlled device and that amplified current is obtained. There are several reasons why the transistor replaced the thermionic valve: the valves need very high voltages and consume lots of energy, also was important weight, since the chassis and transformers needed for its operation amounted to a significant weight. Failures in the valves were very short compared with the of transistors, particularly because of the heat generated. Also occur a certain delay in start, since they need to be hot to set the driving. The transistor is intrinsically insensitive to effect microphone, very frequent in the valves. Transistors are a lot smaller than the valves and working with low impedances and finally the low cost economico of a transistor with respect to a valve. As example of these drawbacks can be cited to the first digital computer called the ENIAC. It was a computer that weighed more than 30 tonnes and consumed 200 kilowatts, enough to power a small city. I had around 18,000 valves, of which some were burned every day, so it was necessary to a ligistica and very important organization.When the bipolar transistor was invented in 1947, he was considered a revolution. Small, reliable, fast, little expensive, sober in its energy needs, he progressively replaced the valve during the early 1950s, but not entirely. Indeed, during the 1960s some manufacturers continued to use thermionic valves in high-end radio equipment. Then the transistor displaced valve transmitters, but not at all for radio frequency amplifiers. Other audio equipment manufacturers, continued to use the valves in audio amplifiers for guitars. All this is because the transistor does not have characteristics of linearity at high power and harmonics having the valve, among other details.
INTER Euromodul 70-C FM, se fabricó en el año 1967 por Inter Electrónica S.A. (Barcelona) se trata de un superheterodino general ZF/IF 450/10700 Khz, consta de OM, OC y FM, funciona con un voltaje de 9 voltios a través de pila o CA a 125/220 V, su mueble es de madera y la parrilla de plásticos y metal, el funcionamiento es excelente.
INTER Euromodul 70-C FM, is manufactured in the year 1967 by Inter electronic S.A. (Barcelona) is is of a superheterodyne general ZF / IF 450 / 10700 Khz, consists of OM, OC and FM, works with a voltage of 9 volts through battery or AC to 125 / 220 V, his Cabinet is of wood and the grill of plastics and metal , the performance is excellent.
L3E 06T model, it's a Philips he was manufactured in 1958, consists of OM and OC, seven transistors (OC170-OC171-OC172 and OC45) works with a 9V voltage through battery, its performance is excellent.
PHILIPS model 712, was manufactured in the Netherlands, consists of five frequency bands the SW-LW-MW1-MW2 and the FM, the latter in stereo. It has many functions, connection to four speakers, microphone input and gravadora, filter of AFC, signaller stereo, balance, control of media and treble and five manual preset counters of FM broadcast, headphone output, all in high fidelity and with a stunning illumination of dials dus, a true "Monster" receiver and power amplifier.
MARCONI - a transistor that fabricated it Marconi Española, S.A. brand Junior TR1425 is under the 245-A permit, has 7 transistors, OM and OC, running with two batteries of beltpack 4.50 volts each, or 9-volt.
MARCONI - a transistor that fabricated it Marconi Española, S.A. brand TR1225 is under the 245-A permit, has 7 transistors, OM and OC, running with two batteries of beltpack 4.50 volts each, or 9-volt.
Lo fabricaron en la Alemania del Este, posee 6 transistores, OM y OC, funcionando con cuatro pilas medianas de 1,5 voltios, siendo su comportamiento excelente.
GRUNDIG - Music Transistor - Boy 59Lo manufactured in East Germany, has 6 transistors, OM and OC, running with four batteries 1.5 volt medium, being its excellent behaviour.
GRUNDIG - Music - Boy 160 - instead this receiver has been manufactured in Malaysia. It is equipped with four FM, SW, MW and the LW frequency bands, it takes treble control. Each, making a total of 7.5 volts can operate to 220 volt or five medium-sized batteries of 1.5 volts. Its handling is very easy and looks great robustness and simplicity at the same time.
BAIYBAT T-62 this curious sink is "made in spain", Ricardo Barrio brand manufactured, under permit no. 505 - a. consists of 6 transistors and only medium wave, but is characterized by being part of a team with home amplifier, removable, can be a simple transistor pocket and at home a more powerful computer, since the amplifier Cabinet takes built-in batteries and a speakerthat connect when the transistor is inserted in his own cabinet.
Silver-Mod 12TF-550 - manufactured by Shirasuna Denki FGM. CO., LTD., Nagota (Japan). It consists of 12 transistors and three frequency bands (AM, SW and FM), uses six mediated 1.50 Volt batteries each, making a total of 9 volts. It is very high sensitivity as their sound quality is superb. It is equipped with automatic frequency control, filter gain and two telescopic antennas, among other benefits.
LAVIS - 760 Multiple - Este estupendo receptor "made in spain" fue fabricado por la firma LABELSON (Laboratorio Electrónico) bajo el permiso nº 581-A, con la patente de LAVIS, S.A., consta de ON y OC, funcionando con dos pilas de petaca de 4,5 voltios cada una. El aparato va protegido con cuero de color negro y su funcionamiento es bueno.
LAVIS - 760 Multiple - this super receiver "made in spain" was manufactured by the firm LABELSON (electronic laboratory) under permit no. 581-A, with the patent of LAVIS, S.A., consists of ON and OC, running with two batteries of beltpack of 4.5 volts each. The device is protected with black leather and its performance is good.
medianas de 1,5 voltios cada una. El aparato va protegido con cuero de color negro y su funcionamiento es bueno.
LAVIS - 500 - this receiver "made in spain" was manufactured by the firm LAVIS, S.A. has just ON, its design was performed by the company Lavis. It works with small batteries of 1.5 volts each.
LAVIS - Mod. 210 - This receiver "made in spain" was manufactured by the firm LAVIS, S.A. in the years 1968 / 1969, consists of just ON and has four transistors. It works with two small batteries of 1.5 volts each. making a total of 3 volts. Its performance is excellent.
EXPLORADOR-II - Este vistoso receptor no he localizado todavia de donde procede, pero si que os puedo decir que su maquinaria es muy antigua y de muy buena calidad, funciona con un conjunto de pilas de 6 voltios y se oye estupendamente bien.
Explorer-II - This colorful receiver I have not located yet where it comes from, but if I can say that your machinery is very old and very good quality, works with a set of 6 Volt batteries and is heard superbly well.
INTER - manufacture "made in spain" this machine belonged to my grandfather, is from the 1970s and consists of two waves, OM and FM works with 4 medium-sized batteries of 1.5 volts each, its performance is excellent.
INTER - Mod TRP343B - Receiver manufactured in Spain by Inter electronics, S.A. under the permit 17.A, is equipped with 2 transistors and 1 integrated circuit (more modern) is only ON and works with a set of 6 Volt batteries. Your performance is good.
un total de 3 voltios. Su funcionamiento es excelente.
INTER - Mod. 294 Slimtransist - this receiver "made in spain" was manufactured by the firm Inter electronics, S.A., under permit no. 17 - a. consists of just ON and has six transitores. Powered by two small SR23 1.5 volt each total haciendoun of 3 volts. Its performance is excellent
Unknown brand? -This receiver "made in Hong Kong", I have a special affection, since the military were made with me, thanks to it made me spend many nights of guard, it could be said better. Joined him, as mia thing, a headset socket, to thus be able to camouflage. It consists of just ON and has six transistors. It works with a small 1.5 volt battery. Its performance is excellent.
VANGUARD Mod Super Atlas - Receptor fabricado en España por la casa Vanguard, bajo el permiso nº 686. Va equipado con doce transis-tores y tres frecuencias de ondas la ON, OC y FM, funciona con pilas gordas de 1,5 voltios cada una, haciendo un total 6 voltios, tambien en AC con bitension a 125 y 220 voltios. Su funcionamiento es bueno.
VANGUARD Super Mod Atlas - receiver manufactured in Spain by the Vanguard House, under permit no. 686. It is fitted with twelve transistors and three frequencies of waves the ON, OC & FM, works with FAT 1.5 volt batteries each, making a total 6 Volt, AC also with dual 125 and 220-volt. Your performance is good.
despertador, todo ello de muy alta calidad, fabricado por Sharp Corporation. Va equipado con tres frecuencias de ondas la L, M, y la U,
funciona en AC con bitension a 125 y 220 voltios. Tambien lleva diversas intensidades de iluminación en su cuadro de mandos. Su funcionamiento es excelente.
SHARP Mod FY-77CHS - this great device was a gift from my brother Angel in 2005. It's a multiband radio with alarm clock, all of very high quality, manufactured by Sharp Corporation. It is equipped with three frequencies of waves the L, M, and U, AC powered dual 125 and 220 volts. Also carries different intensities of lighting in your control panel. Its performance is excellent
STANDARD - HI-FI 2 Speaker - this fabulous receiver is manufactured in Japan for Standard Radio Corp., is made up of 9 transistors, three bands (LW-MW-SW) and curiously 2 speakers, 2 entries in auriculareses and works with three fat 1.5 volt batteries each. You can be seen that it is of very good quality. Also is protected with a very harmonious leather cover.
Aparato fabricado por Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd, (Japón), consta de 10 transistores, tres fecuencias de bandas (BC-SW1-SW2), utiliza cuatro pilas mediadas de 1,50 voltios cada una, va protegido con una funda de cuero marron.
SANYO - Mod 6 c - 17 device manufactured by Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd, (Japan) consists of 6 transistors and single-frequency of the BC band, uses four mediated 1.50 Volt batteries each, making a total of 6 Volt, also is protected with a brown leather Holster.
NATIONAL PANASONIC Mod. R-441B Aparato manufactured by Matsushita Electric Industrial CO., LTD, (Japan) consists of 8 transistors, four frequency bands (MW-SW1-SW2 and SW3), uses four mediated 1.50 Volt batteries each, making a total of 6 volts and also provided with power supply for AC 110-125/220-250 volts, among other benefits.
NATIONAL PANASONIC Mod.T-22 U or T - unit manufactured by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., LTD (Japan) consists of eight transistors, two bands (MW-SW) frequencies, uses four mediated 1.50 Volt batteries each, making a total of 6 volts.
NATIONAL PANASONIC Mod. T-50 device manufactured by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., LTD (Japan) consists of 6 transistors and a single the MW band frequencies, uses four small 1.50 Volt batteries each, making a total of 6 volts and also protected with a brown leather Holster.
ITT Schaub-Lorenz - mod GOLF 100 automatic - this fabulous receiver was manufactured in Germany's East, a quality in their extraordinary components, you are equipped to capture four frequency bands (l-m - K and U) and AFC filter among others, works with a set of 6 large 1.5 volt batteries each, making a total of 9 volts. Its performance is excellent.
ITT Schaub-Lorenz - mod TOURING International - another fabulous receiver, but much better than the previous, it was manufactured in East Germany, with its extraordinary components quality, you are equipped to capture five frequency bands (K1, 2, 3, 4-L-M1-M2 and U) with different filters AFC among others and even iluminiacion in their dials, works with a set of 6 large 1.5 volt batteries eachmaking a total of 9 volt also in AC 220 volts. Its performance is excellent.
NORMANDE - Mikrobox - receiver manufactured in Germany, consists of two frequencies of band the ON and OC, uses two 1.5 volt batteries each, making a total of 3 volts. Its performance is excellent
VOXSON - mod. Zephyr - Receiver manufactured in Spain by casa Bressel S.A. (Madrid) bajpo license Voxson Faret, consists of a single frequency band the ON, uses six batteries of 1.5 volts each, making a total of 9 volts. Its performance is excellent.
AIWA - AR 160 - this receiver manufactured in Japan by the company Aiwa. Equipped with a total of nine transistors, it consists of AM and FM, is supersensitive, running with four medium-sized batteries of 1.5 volts each, making a total of 6 volts. The device is protected with black leather and your performance is good.
SHARP - Model FX-112 - unit manufactured by Sharp (Japan), consists of 10 transistors, two bands (FM and AM) frequencies, uses four mediated 1.50 Volt batteries each, making a total of 6 volts. As curiosity carries a handle that makes the time of leg to secure the leaning.
POLARIS - model 930 NE - device manufactured in the city of Hong Kong, consists of nine transistors and two fecuencias of bands (AM and FM), uses a 9-volt battery.
ORION - Mod? Device manufactured by Orion Electric Co., LTD (Japan), consists of seven transistors and single-frequency of the AM band, uses single uan 1.50 Volt small battery.
Consta de 10 transistores, dos frecuencias de bandas (FM y AM), utiliza solo una pila de 9 voltios. Como curiosidad tiene forma de libro, lleva antena telescópica, toma de auriculares, filtro de AFC y una pata camuflada para su soporte.
ZENITH - Mod. Royal C25 - This receiver it gave me my friend, Carmen (sculptor) in 1992. Manufactured it brand Zenith Radio Corporation Chicago, Illinois, USA.Consists of 10 transistors, two bands (FM and AM) frequencies, use only a 9-volt battery. As curiosity shaped book, it has telescopic antenna, headphone jack, AFC filter and a leg camouflaged for their support.
ORIENT - Mod. ? -This receiver gave it me my aunt and uncle, Mary and Antonio, in 2005, is a replica imitation very striking, consists of two bands of frequency, the OM and FM and works with four small batteries of 1.5 volts each, making a total of 6 volts. You hear superbly well.
Mark. ? -This receiver gave it me also my aunt and uncle, Mary and Antonio, in 2005, it is a replica imitation but this time of wood, consists of two bands of frequency, the OM and FM and works with two small batteries of 1.5 volts each, making a total of 3 volts. You hear superbly well.
me lo regalo mi amiga, Carmen (escultora) en el año 1992. Consta de dos bandas de frecuencia, la OM y la FM y funciona con una pila 9 voltios o en AC a 220 voltios. Se oye estupendamente bien y el reloj funciona de maravilla.
PANASHIBA - Mod. NOT FX 688 - this curious clock radio - alarm clock you gave me my friend, Carmen (sculptor) in 1992. Consists of two bands of frequency, the OM and FM and works with a fuses 9-volt or 220-volt AC. It is stupendously well heard and the clock works great.
Does it mark? -This portal pens and portal photos radio and at the same time I do not remember where I got it, but if I know, that are manufactured in Hong Kong. It consists of a frequency Mo band and works with two 1.5 volt batteries, total 3 volts. Great listening.
Does it mark? -This another curious form of vintage car radio not remember where to remove it, but if I know, that are manufactured in Hong Kong. It consists of a frequency Mo band and works with two 1.5 volt batteries, total 3 volts. Great listening.
Does it mark? -This another curious radio shaped soccer ball acquired in 1982, to commemorate the World Cup held in Spain, although also was manufactured in Hong Kong. It consists of a frequency Mo band and works with two 1.5 volt batteries, total 3 volts. Great listening
la radio que dices te regalaron tus tíos es de una oferta por comprar chicles, nos lo ofrecían por tres paquetes de ellos, a tiendas y bares, yo tengo una desde el año 1990
ResponderEliminarHola Efran, muchas gracias por ti información, recibe un cordial saludo.
EliminarHola Julio.
ResponderEliminarExcelente página, una colección hermosa. Tengo una radio marca
"ORION AM FM 10T", debe ser de fines de los 50. Estoy buscando el esquema y no lo encuentro por ningún lado. Si sabés de alguien que lo tenga, te ruego me escribas a .
Muchas gracias desde ya. Roberto.
Hola Viejo Filatelista, lamento decirte que no encuentro nada con los datos que facilitas, mira a ver si tuviera otra denominación, modelo,etc....
EliminarUn cordial saludo
Hola, le regale de Navidad a mi padrino,SHARP Mod FY-77CHS el tuvo uno hace años, padece Alzheimer, el recordó perfectamente la radio y se ha puesto feliz, pero no puede recordar como se maneja y he buscado el manual de usuario, pero no logro encontrarlo en ningún lado, seria posible que me lo pudieran enviar, les estaría eternamente agradecida, mi correo es estoy a sus ordenes para cualquier duda o aclaración. le deseo un venturo año Año Nuevo 2017 !!!! felicidades, le deseo lo mejor, gracias anticipadas !!!
ResponderEliminarHola... Estoy buscando una radio, no estoy seguro si era marca Continental o International...recuerdo que mi padre tenia una, yo tenia no mas de 5 años... Solo recuerdo que era multibandas y tenia unos dibujos de los continentes por aue al parecer, se podian escuchar wmisoras de otros paises, soy de Guatemala y estoy interesado en comprar uno asi como el que pobremente describo.. Si tuvieran algo en concreto lea dejo mi correo lo compro en caso sea el que busco, no importa el lugar, lo mando traer, muchas gracias
ResponderEliminarHola... Estoy buscando una radio, no estoy seguro si era marca Continental o International...recuerdo que mi padre tenia una, yo tenia no mas de 5 años, allá por el año 78/80... Solo recuerdo que era multibandas y tenia unos dibujos de los continentes por que al parecer, se podian escuchar emisoras de otros paises, me parece que tambien decia Solid State,era un aparato que se tenia que poner en una mesa por que era algo pesado, traia antena y al encenderlo, en el dial se veia una luz de color naranja, si mal no recuerdo, tambien al frente en donde estaba la bocina tenia en lugar de tela, una lamina con muchos agujeros pequeñitos para que pudiera salir el audio, que por cierto era magnífico..... soy de Guatemala y estoy interesado en comprar uno asi como el que pobremente describo.. Si tuvieran algo en concreto les dejo mi correo lo compro en caso sea el que busco, no importa el lugar, lo mando traer, muchas gracias
ResponderEliminardeseo comprar el mod. galenus 44 -radio transistorizado- de marconi
ResponderEliminarme regalaron una vanguard super atlas y tengo una duda para conectarlo a la red eléctrica:
ResponderEliminarEl aparato lleva un conmutador para red o pilas, para conectarlo a la red eléctrica puse el conmutador en la posición red pero mi duda es con el conmutador de tensión el cual tiene la rueda hacia arriba escrito 125 y hacia abajo 220v y no sé si en esa posición está listo para funcionar a la red o si esa posición se corresponde a 125v, agradecería si me pudiesen dar una aclaración.
Disculpa la tardanza, a ver, suele llevar un puntito color blanco que tiene que coincidir o estar pegado a la tensión elegida. Un cordial saludo
EliminarLa radio de bolsillo Orión es el modelo "Seven transistor". Acabo de reparar una idéntica. Sí no te funciona prueba a sustituir los tres condensadores electrolíticos que lleva. Me ha gustado visitar tu blog. Un saludo.
ResponderEliminarHola Jalvar, muchas gracias por tu información y felicitación por mi blog, recibe un cordial saludo
EliminarHola Jalvar, muchas gracias por tu información y felicitación por mi blog, recibe un cordial saludo
ResponderEliminarLa explorador 2 si no recuerdo mal perteneceria a la empresa cradial o cuando cambio su nombre a vanguard,siendo esta de las
ResponderEliminarprimeras comercializadas bajo la marca vanguard.Un saludo
Hola Jalvar no tendras el esquema y la foto del circuito impreso de la Vanuard Super Atlas dos ondas OM y OC
ResponderEliminarEste comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.